Khristina Sorge and Sara Scraps run the Rediscover Your Stash Facebook group which is a spinoff from a regular spending freeze event they ran a few times a year. It still happens, but within the group now.
So Khristina who is also Girl Boss over at Redefined Kreative & The Secret Not Secret Kit Club has a weekly sketch challenge and she posted this one over on RYS.
I took it as a dare since it wasn't my usual style - very clean and simple and using a grid to boot.
I have plenty of gaming related photos of a certain SmallCraftyDude and my initial thought was to use the squares to create old school gaming graphics, but there were too few and while I may do it in the future, it sounded like way too much hard work. If for no other reason than my desk being lost under a pile of scrapping debris so I had to scrap on the floor on the other side of the room. #TrueStory
Then I remembered this mini kit by Echo Park from about 2014. I was initially inspired by that paper with all the words (behind the coffee cup and Lego Mindstorm 😏), yet it didn't end up making the cut. 🤷
There is usually a monthly product focus at RYS and this month it's punches. I had one that I thought might work. It was 1 3/8" square, Not 1.5 or two but 1 3/8. Not a huge drama 'til I had to CUT the longer pieces so I needed to incorporate the gap between two squares in the measurement and plenty of adding fractions was required. 😩
THIS, boys and girls is why you still need maths after finishing high school! 💪💪💪
I don't usually calculate or measure gaps! Now I remember why these grids are not my bag! I'm never one to turn down a dare so I kept going. My punch was smaller than the squares on the sketch so I used more of them and to balance I added a third longer strip.

Once again a spectacular technology fail ensued. The needle got jammed and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't wiggle it loose when normally it works. I had little time or patience for such nonsense so out came my...erm...big girl bolt cutter thingies (I'm sure this isn't their real name) and it was awfully satisfying to snap that needle in two.
I probably should have checked I had a spare (I mean...I DO, but I'm particular about my paper needles). In it's defense, the holes in the paper were getting a bit big so was probably time to change the needle anyway.
Journaling and ink splatters done and time for the title and embellies. Oh and Thanks, Bella Blvd for naming one of your collections after my kid!
I cut a section out of the branding area of the sticker sheet and started my journaling with it!

I had a fairly large collection of die cuts and stickers shaped liked sneakers, but they're always in the style of Converse? Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of Converse stories to tell too, but SmallCraftyDude is a Vans man.
I just had to cover up most of it to make it a little less specific. 😉

Cocoa Vanilla Studio has some of the VERY best boy collections out there and the little typed sticker strips and flair badges (in place of the buttons) worked well.
The inky splotches felt a bit out of place being the only thing that goes outside of the grid so I went to town with a roller stamp. More like a bit out of control but can't be helped. Definitely adds some chaos to a layout that's otherwise a bit too orderly for that Lil Dude.
I felt like it still needed MOAR so I busted out those metal stars by Basic Grey. Besides not being sticky anymore because of age, they worked just fine.

Oh and mounting the photo on foam really helped it stand out. The sheets of fun foam made it so much easier than those little foam squares for larger areas.
Here is is all done;
Game On
Well that's all for now!
Love and stress free scrapbooking!
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